Are you a daily coffee drinker?
Want to continue to drink your favorite cup of morning coffee when you go camping? Me too!

Fortunately, it’s not that hard to make a perfect cup of camping coffee, provided you have the right gear.
Don’t worry, you don’t need anything too fancy to make a good cup of coffee while camping, although there are plenty of fancy gadgets out there.
Yes, I’m a self-proclaimed coffee snob, and I still only spend about 10 minutes getting my coffee ready in the great outdoors.
We’re going to make our camping coffee two of the easiest and most delicious way possible.
Ready for a little caffeine boost to go with your wilderness sunrise?
Is There Such a Thing as Perfect Camping Coffee?
Like most coffee lovers, I have a very hard time going without, even when I’m paddling remote waters or backpacking far from the nearest Starbucks.
At home, I’m a two-cups-a-day girl, and when I’m living it up in the woods, I usually settle for one insulated mug of dark roast to go with my sunrise.
Over the years, we’ve tried all kinds of equipment and techniques to make the perfect cup of camping coffee.
My husband tried to sell me on cowboy coffee once, showing me how easy it is to just mix ground coffee and water, bring it to a boil, and drink it. Well, one mouthful of that was enough to convince me that there had to be a better way of making coffee while camping.
I’ve tried percolators, portable espresso makers, and lots of different instant coffee packets, but there are three different ways that stand out as my favorites.
- The Aeropress: It’s not revolutionary, but it does make an amazing cup of coffee. The Aeropress is small, easy to clean, and unbreakable, and it’s perfect for couple or solo camping, and it’s my top choice for easy and delicious coffee. The Aeropress works like a pour over/French press combo, and I take it with me on just about every camping trip.
- French press: When making coffee for two to four people, I use this insulated French press from Stanley. With double-wall vacuum insulation and an insulated stainless steel lid, this unbreakable French press helps keep contents hot for hours, and it comes iwth a lifetime warranty.
- Pour over: This is how I make coffee at home, and it’s another great choice for solo camping. I use folding metal filter holder and #2 cone paper filters.
If you’re a coffee lover, you will love all of these methods for camp coffee.
Add a beautiful walk, the song of a hundred birds, and a cool mist rising off of your favorite mountain lake, and you’ll be good for the whole day!
How to Make Coffee While Camping: The Perfect Cup of Morning Brew

Your camping coffee is only as good as the freshly roasted coffee beans in your camping kitchen, so don’t be cheap with your beans.
If you don’t already have a favorite coffee roaster, finding one should be your first step in making good coffee. I order whole-bean coffee from Dean’s Beans, but every locale has great coffee roasters these days, even if you have to have it shipped to you.
Grind Your Camping Coffee Before Brewing

We won’t go so far as to say that you need to grind your coffee beans fresh each morning while camping, but if you’re ready a delcious cup of coffee, grinding it fresh will help.
Consider this little hand grinder from GSI Outdoors.
Don’t Forget Insulated Mugs
If you want your coffee to stay hot while you prepare breakfast, walk down to the lake, or start a campfire, use an insulated mug. We love these 12-ounce insulated mugs from Klean Kanteen. They come in bright colors and feel good in the hands (very important).
Method 1: Aeropress Coffee

I like my coffee strong, and this is the easiest method to get dark, rich coffee. The Aeropress comes with 100 coffee filters, and you can easily buy more at your local outdoor retailer or REI. Here’s how to make the most delicious Aeropress coffee.
- Roll out of bed, fill your camping pot with cold water, and bring it to a boil over your camping stove while your family sleeps.
- Put a micro filter in the basket of your Aeropress and screw it onto the bottom.
- Add two tablespoons of freshly ground coffee and position it over your insulated mug.
- Pour boiling water into the Aeropress. I fill it to the top, wait about 30 seconds and then a bit more boiling water for a 12 ounce cup of coffee.
- You can wait several minutes for stronger coffee, or just give it a quick stir before using the plunger to push the hot coffee through the ground and into your coffee mug.
- Enjoy!
Method 2: French Press Camping Coffee
As delicious as the Aeropress coffee, but easy enough for small crowd (four people). here’s how to make coffee while camping using an insulated French press. Disclaimer: Don’t bring your fancy glass French press from home. You’ll be sad when it breaks!
- Add cold water to your pot (the Stanley French Press holds 48 ounces of coffee).
- Bring the water to a boil on your camp stove.
- Add two tablespoons of coffee per person to the French press.
- Pour boiling water over the coffee grounds.
- Let sit for about two minutes (longer for stronger coffee).
- Put on the lid with the plunger and press down.
- Done!
Method 3: Pour Over Camping Coffee
This is probably the easiest way to make coffee and requires the least amount of clean-up. Simply toss the paper filter and spent coffee grounds and wash your camp mug.
- Climb out of your tent, fill a camping pot with water, and bring it to a boil over your camp stove.
- Add two tablespoons of coffee grounds per person to a paper filter set inside a drip cone. I don’t bring a tablespoon camping — I guess.
- Place the coffee set up over the top of an insulated mug.
- Pour boiling water over the top of the coffee and let it drip into the mug. If you are making two cups, you can move the drip cone between the two so that both coffees are strong and flavorful.
- Enjoy with your favorite outdoor view or inside your sleeping bag.

What to Put in Your Camping Coffee?
Do you need a little something extra in your morning coffee? I keep sugar and maple syrup in my camping spice kit. Maple syrup in my coffee is the absolute best, but I’m good with a teaspoon of sugar as well.
A few of our camping friend swear by a shot of Kaluha or Baileys, too. After all, it’s vacation time.
Cream is another beast altogether.
At home, I love a bit of half-and-half in my coffee, but in my camping coffee? That’s a tough one.
I’ve been known to sneak the real deal into my cooler for short camping trips, but it isn’t always practical on longer trips.
I’ve tried non-fat dried milk powder, which tastes awful and ruins the flavor of most coffee. I’ve also tried CoffeeMate, which hurts even worse. My favorite options so far are to a) go without creamer altogether or b) use organic whole milk powder.
If you decide to use powdered milk, mix it with a bit of hot water first and stir it, so you don’t get lumps in your coffee — a travesty!
Read Next: Your Amazing Car-Camping Kitchen
How do you make coffee when you’re camping? Drop us a comment and let us know your favorite method!
Keep in touch with us on social media!

Tara Schatz is a freelance writer and travel blogger with a passion for outdoor adventures. She is the co-author of AMC’s Best Day Hikes in Vermont and currently blogs at Back Road Ramblers and Vermont Explored, where she shares travel tips, adventure destinations, and vacation ideas for the wanderer in everyone.
Colonel Panic
Friday 4th of February 2022
I like my coffee on the light side so I throw a handful of Land O'Lakes Mini Moos in my pack. They are tiny and lightweight.
Tara Schatz
Saturday 5th of February 2022
I had to Google the Land O'Lakes Mini Moos. Great idea. Sounds like the shelf life is rather short, but they would certainly last through a camping trip without refrigeration. Thanks for the tip!
Thursday 3rd of February 2022
I motorcycle camp, so packing space is at a premium. On the road I opt for Starbucks Italian roast packets. They will do to get my motor running in the morning.
Tara Schatz
Thursday 3rd of February 2022
That works too! I used the Starbucks instant on a canoe camping trip and I didn't hate it. Plus, they're more affordable than some of the instant stuff out there.